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Under attack in a sentence

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Sentence count:77+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: come under attackcounterattackattackunder considerationattackerattackingheart attackpanic attackMeaning: adj. subjected to enemy attack or censure. 
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1, All politicians come under attack for their views.
2, The fort was under attack for three days.
3, The army has come under attack by separatists.
4, The port was coming under attack from enemy warships.
5, Refugees had come under attack from federal troops.
6, The patrol came under attack from all sides.
7, The province has been under attack from the rebels.
8, The government has come under attack over the new bill.
9, The government has come under attack from all sides for cutting education spending.
10, The school has come under attack for failing to encourage bright pupils.
11, Once again we came under attack from enemy fighter planes.
12, The town has been under attack by rebel groups for a week now.
13, Residents in the villages under attack have been unable to protect their homes from plunder.
14, The government has come under attack from opposition leaders over proposals to cut health spending.
15, Can you solve puzzles while under attack from Zombis?
16, Affirmative action in the workplace is under attack.
17, Gail dug in her heels under attack.
18, Some of the Woodvilles' associates also came under attack.
19, The film was under attack before it was even screened.
20, He also came under attack in his capacity as a revenue farmer and would-be monopolist.
21, Is the constitutional order evolving or is it under attack?
22, Meanwhile Mr Lamont came under attack for spending the whole of August away from his desk.
23, There's been much fear that the United Nations peacekeepers would be under attack in a situation like that.
24, The role of the state as a prime mover in planning social change has been under attack.
25, Other aircraft joined in the fight,( attack.html) and before it could make a second attack the Albatros found itself under attack.
26, This in turn reduces the bodily functions which are under attack from the disease organism.
27, Some achieved increased personal awareness through self-examination; others felt their values to be under attack.
28, But in the late 1960s the relative autonomy of the teaching profession over the curriculum came increasingly under attack.
29, Not long after their inception, the welfare programs were under attack.
30, Alarcon said the man had illegally entered the country sometime prior to the aircraft coming under attack.
More similar words: come under attackcounterattackattackunder considerationattackerattackingheart attackpanic attackasthma attackangle of attackattainderbill of attaindertransient ischemic attackunder ageunderageunderarmunder armswonder atunderrateunderactiveunder a cloudunder a spellattachunderachieveattacheunderachieverpreponderateattachedattach toattaching
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